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Safety Zone at the TRYM field

The subsea installation at the TRYM field in position 56° 22.88' N  4° 14.16' E, is protected by a 500 meter safety zone.

Pipes and Cables in HARALD / TRYM

Pipelines and cables have been installed between the HARALD- and the TRYM- field at the following positions (WGS 84):


56° 22.88' N4° 14.16' ETRYM
56° 22.50' N4° 14.54' E 
56° 22.30' N4° 15.31' E 
56° 22.10' N4° 15.65' E 
56° 22.00' N4° 15.71' E 
56° 21.80' N4° 15.82' E 
56° 21.60' N4° 15.94' E 
56° 21.40' N4° 16.04' E 
56° 21.20' N4° 16.16' E 
56° 20.73' N4° 16.33' EHARALD


Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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