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FOGA ApS er et privatejet selskab der blev grundlagt i Esbjerg i 1982 på forespørgsel af operatører af rørledningsprojekter i den danske sektor. Man efterlyste et uafhængigt foretagende til at varetage konsulentarbejde, som både tilgodeså fiskeriets og offshore industriens interesser. FOGA har siden da ageret bindeled og formidler mellem olie- & gasoperatørerne og fiskerierhvervet.

I dag servicerer FOGA såvel offshore vind som olie- & gas sektoren samt øvrige maritime sektorer med en bred vifte af fartøjer og serviceydelser.

Firmaet er fortsat beliggende i Esbjerg.

Vores Team

Bo Fyhring Sørensen

Christian Hey Mortensen

Eskild Thomsen Krab

Kirsten Nordestgaard Linnet
Administration og Bogholderi

Sabine Krejlgaard

Procurement Manager


Vores Netværk

O.S.Energy GmbH

O.S. Energy is a specialised offshore service provider with an extensive track record in the offshore wind industry and on research and survey projects, offering a wide range of services for more than 15 years.

The company developed from a single-source company focusing on environmental survey operations to an offshore service provider with a large service portfolio.

With our fleet of five specialised multipurpose service vessels and our dedicated team ashore as well as on board, O.S. Energy is striving to find the right and most economical service solution for each customer and project.

We are a highly flexible company that can adapt to any challenge rapidly while always delivering results at a high quality standard and therefore will continue to build our business focussing on long-term partnerships.

We at O.S.Energy feel that we are able to serve our customers in the offshore industry best through innovative thinking and constant improvement of our products and services.

Web: www.os-Energy.de

Newcastle Marine Services Ltd.

Newcastle Marine Services Ltd. is a dedicated offshore engineering consultancy supporting the renewable energy sector as well as the merchant shipping industry with a wide range of services ranging from concept design to detailed vessel and equipment design.

The company relies on its strong background in advanced research of ocean renewable energy applications ranging from tidal stream current turbines to floating offshore wind turbines. 

We provide a powerful and economic combination of skilled personnel, delivering solutions to challenging projects at high quality and with fast turn-around times.

We aim to provide a flexible solutions to our clients engineering needs for a wide range of services, ranging from conceptual designs to operational assistance.


Technology for Advanced Offshore Solutions

Technology for Advanced Offshore Solutions was founded to provide customized solutions and innovative product design to the offshore energy sector and merchant shipping companies. The unique combination of industry expertise, research and development focus as well as links to the academic network allows to solve engineering challenges with a fast turn around and a tailor made solution for our clients needs.

We can provide vessel related services ranging from vessel management to repair and modification projects, expert insights into deck arrangements, equipment and regulatory needs for a wide range of offshore services.

In addition, the team has a strong background in bringing advanced research projects forward from concept design to proof of concept and ultimately commercial exploration. 

















Fiskernes orientering om offshore aktiviteter
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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