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The vessel HORIZON GEOBAY at the ADDA Field for a geotechnical survey.

The walk-to-work vessel NORWIND GALE is at the DAN Field.

The walk-to-work vessel ESVAGT DANA is at ROAR Field.

The vessels ESVAGT SERVER, ESVAGT CLAUDINE, ESVAGT DEE and ESVAGT CANTANA are acting as standby vessels at the DUC Fields.

The vessels ESVAGT HEIDI and ESVAGT LEAH (PSV) are at the DUC Fields.

The vessel TRIUMPH TIDE is acting as PSV for the HARALD Field.


The rig NOBLE REACHER is in position at the North side of the HALFDAN BA

The rig SHELF DRILLING WINNER is in position at the Northwest side of the HARALD A Platform.

The accommodation rig CROSSWAY EAGLE is in position at the TYRA West Field between B & C platforms.



A set of buoys are deployed at the position: 55°48.127 N 004°33.504E next to VALDEMAR BA.

(A waverider buoy and an isolated danger buoy):


Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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