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Horns Rev 1

The Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) SC AMETHYST, SC ONXY and SC Sapphire are working at the Horns Rev 1 OWF.

Horns Rev 3

The Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) MASTER and NJORD THUNDER as well as the vessels  EDT PROTEA (SOV) and the CTV LEVANTE are working at the Horns Rev 3 OWF in this week.

The vessel OLYMPIC ARES (cable layer) to start operations at Horns Rev 3 this week. 

Vattenfall  Marine Coordination Centre is in operation 24/7 and can be contacted by VHF CH 16 and 10 or by duty-phone no.: +45 27 87 59 69.

MCC is monitoring the traffic in the area of all Vattenfall OWF.

DAN TYSK & SANDBANK windfarms 

DanTysk and Sandbank windfarms are situated within the marked area.

The Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) MO1, MO8, FOB SWATH 1, FOB SWATH 6, MHO ESBJERG and TERRAL are operating at the DanTysk and Sandbank OWP.

The vessels ARMADA 78-01 and (SOV) ACTA CENTAURUS are operating at DanTysk OWF.

Vattenfall Marine Coordination Centre for DanTysk and Sandbank is in operation 24/7 and can be contacted by VHF CH 16 and 17 or by duty-phone no.: +45 27 87 59 69.

MCC is monitoring the traffic in the area of all Vattenfall OWF.



Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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