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FOGA Consult

FOGA is offering a wide range of consulting services, all related to sustainable energy, offshore oil and gas activities and the fishing sector.

We are assisting the operators and suppliers of the offshore oil and gas industry as well as offshore windfarms by offering professional advice focusing on the influence of offshore constructions on fishing activities in the area.

FOGA Consult offers advisory and professional consultancy on a variety of areas relating to fishery:

  • Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLO)
  • Marine mammal Observation (MMO/ MMSO/ PAM Operators)
  • New offshore constructions influence on the fishery:
    • Offshore Wind farms
    • Subsea constructions
    • Submerged pipelines and cables
    • Traffic separation schemes
    • Bridges and tunnels

During seismic surveys of a potential development area of the sea it is considered best practice and oftentimes legal requirement to engage dedicated Fishery Liaison Offices on the seismic vessels carrying out the surveys.

FOGA Consult is providing very experienced personnel in the North Sea and Baltic Sea as advisors to the project operators. The Fishery Liaison officers are providing information on fishing activities in order to prevent accidents, unwanted incidents and loss of seismic data and subsequent downtime during the seismic acquisition.

Prior to a survey our Liaison Officers assist the operators in clarifying the fishing methods and number of vessels operating in the survey area. Furthermore, the Officers may contribute with advice during the planning phase of the project. Fishing activities are mostly varying during the fishing season, depending on the area and quota.

FOGA is providing Marine Mammal Observers for survey vessels in the North- and Baltic Seas. The observers are advising the vessels crew on the procedures required when commencing the survey and may instruct the crew on how to act in case of observations of marine mammals like whales or seals in the area. The observers submit a report describing any observation of mammals and what precautions were taken by the vessel.

This can include seabird observations (MMSO).

Passive Acoustic Monitoring service can be provided (PAM).

Often fishing takes place by trawling at a predetermined water depth along and around the slopes of a bank. Thus, when planning a windfarm, special consideration should be paid to the activities of trawlers and other users of the sea by designing, planning, and positioning of any foundations in such a way that they are respecting such activities.

Contributing to more profitable fishing is the fact that an offshore windfarm and its underlying network of cables are typically covered by granite boulders to protect the foundations and cables from being undermined by the current washing away the sand.

In time, these artificial stone reefs will develop into biotopes acting as the spawning grounds for fish and shellfish, "feeding" the adjacent fishing areas with catch. In that way construction of artificial reefs and banks may have a positive effect on other trades making a living from the sea.


Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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