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Vesterhav Syd & Nord

The company Vattenfall has estabilished the offshore windfarms Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord. 

The Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) NOS LEADER and NOS MASTER operate at Vesterhav Nord & Syd OWF.

The cables are surrounded by a protection zone of 200m on each side of the cable pursuant to Danish Maritime Authority Order no. 939 of 27 November 1992 on Protection of Submarine Cables and Pipelines. Within the protection zone anchoring, dredging, boulder removal, and any use of equipment being dragged across the seabed will be prohibited.

Deploment of cable:

From March cables will be laid and trenched in the area bounded by below mentioned positions:

56°04,200'N, 007°57,800'E

56°04,200'N, 008°06,000'E

56°06,300'N, 008°06,300'E

56°06,100'N, 007°57,800'E

The areas where the offshore windfarms will be established are marked with buoys. Further information can be found on the DMA homepage: 


Vesterhav Nord: 

56° 39.671' N008° 0.995' E
56° 39.682' N008° 2.954' E
56° 38.856' N008° 2.965' E
56° 38.026' N008° 2.096' E
56° 37.202' N008° 2.107' E
56° 36.378' N008° 2.118' E
56° 35.450' N008° 2.131' E
56° 34.465' N008° 2.144' E
56° 33.469' N008° 2.157' E
56° 32.479' N008° 2.170' E
56° 31.481' N008° 2.184' E
56° 31.472' N008° 1.109' E
56° 33.112' N008° 1.087' E
56° 34.752' N008° 1.064' E
56° 36.392' N008° 1.040' E
56° 38.032' N008° 1.020' E


Vesterhav Syd:

56° 8.501' N007° 56.718' E
56° 8.510' N007° 57.780' E
56° 7.440' N007° 57.783' E
56° 6.377' N007° 57.786' E
56° 5.314' N007° 57.789' E
56° 4.219' N007° 57.792' E
56° 3.123' N007° 57.795' E
56° 2.036' N007° 58.667' E
56° 0.959' N007° 58.670' E
56° 0.943' N007° 56.746' E
56° 2.833' N007° 56.739' E
56° 4.722' N007° 56.732' E
56° 6.611' N007° 56.724' E




Fishermens Information on Offshore Activities 
Trafikhavnskaj 19
DK-6700 Esbjerg

Phone: +45 75 45 11 44
Mail: fish.infofogadk
Web: www.foga.dk

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